This is my first time on exchange at a new university. Some of you have studied abroad before and know the ups and downs of the experience. Actually, psychologists have studied this particular phenomena of the "w-curve" for study abroad students and have charted the student's mental state over the the period of time they are there, see Figure 1.
Figure 1: The W-Curve |
Currently, I should be somewhere in between the Honeymoon stage or the Follow Up Orientation given my three week mark since my arrival to Scotland. To be honest, I am not following the curve at all... I started out fairly low, done a few loop-de-loops on the honeymoon stage, hit rock bottom, sky-rocketed up off the page, and now I am numb-like a deadbeat graph on a cardiogram. I have hit a few complications in my study abroad experience so far, primarily due to the lack of communication in this education system, but I have overall enjoyed my time here. I have met a few very pleasant people, who have helped me see the shy sunlight of Aberdeen. If I was in Seattle, I am pretty sure my emotions would be identical, even with my host university. The point is, maybe its not the environment that affects me, its just my outlook on a day to day basis.
When you catch me on a high peak, I am on top of the world! It's not that I am actually on top of the world (although I do love my mountain climbing...), but I suppose its just how I rolled out of bed that morning. If you are worried about my mental health, I am fine, I can work through this. The only thing that helps me get healthier and happier is when people support and push me to do the things I need to do.
It's me, not my environment.
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