In compensation for my work thus far, my boss bought me a camera, a Nikon Coolpix P500 with 14.1 MP and 36X optimal zoom! Since then, I have been non-stop with it and trying to capture every moment possible, but I have to be careful because I do not have enough Giga Bites for every possible moment on my computer. But I will now be able to show more pictures of the kids, worksites, frisbee, and Austria!
Speaking of Frisbee... I will be going to Hungary next weekend for a Beach tournament with my new team, Disc Fiction, who are a blast to play with! I am so lucky that I am able to play some super fun ultimate this summer--in Austria and Hungary!
Disc Fiction Party!!! Petra, Marten, Mani, Hermann, and Christopher. It was a fun night, despite my Austrian alcohol tolerance... |
Okay, so I just had my first weekend with the kids. I have to say that being an Au Pair in this Au Pair/Engineering Internship gig is like 100X harder... Something to consider if you plan on having an engineering career and children someday. But hopefully your kids will speak the same language with you most of the time. Not knowing German has been the biggest difficulty so far on this adventure, with the kids and with the internship. Everyone is taught English and can theoretically speak it, but they never get to use it unless their job allows them to, which is not very many here. I am quickly learning, and by the end of the trip, I might have a 10-year-old's knowledge of German :)
Bernd taking pictures of catfish, he was such a pro using his dad's SLR. |
Silvia and Andreas, my Austrian parents :) |
Typical farm visage on a rainy day |
Bernd (Berndy), 9 years old, and he loves fishing! |
Alexander (Alex), 11 years old, he is a Boy Scout of Austria and loves soccer! |
Eva-Maria (Evi), 10 years old, wants to do anything a boy can do, regardless of having broke two arms in the past two months. |
Alex, Evi and Berndy made me a SURPRISE! :) They are so wonderful and very skilled in the culinary arts! |
Language is the roughest part for sure, but I'm so glad and toked you found that disc team!
ReplyDeleteAs for the photos, I have two words for you: External Hard-Drive
Miss you lots--keep on keeping on!
Awesome pics :) As for your "Giga Bites" problem, I have an additional external 500gb hd I could lend you. It's a bit on the chunky side, and we'd have to figure out a way to transfer all them pictures once you are gone but I am sure with dropbox or some other service we could manage.
ReplyDeleteIf it really becomes a problem, let me know!
Ah, Thanks Hermann for the offer, but its not a problem right now. Plus, I might get an external hard drive as compensation for the job as well. ;)